Jessica Wikström
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Gotta love freckles! And gotta love that 110mm
Fujinon Images Roundup
I looked back in the last weeks on FujiRumors, and I read rumors, news, gear talk, comparisons, deals, live bloggings, announcements…
That’s all nice and good, but at the end of the day all the buzz should not distract from the main reason why we love to use our Fujifilm cameras: taking pictures.
So I did two things:
- I grabbed my X-E3 and finally dedicated some time again to capture the first signs of spring around my home
- Since my spring images came out perfect and no editing was needed (thank you Fuji colors!!), I decided to spend a bit of time collecting images taken with Fujifilm GFX at our wonderful Fujifilm GFX group.
For this time, I decided to focus mostly on the GF110mmF2 images, since a fellow GFX group member asked to stop sharing GF110 images, as they trigger his GAS and he is preparing his papers for the divorce ;).
Now, it surely helps if you photograph models with this inenarrable beauty to create impressive images, but it’s also true that the medium format GFX has a wonderful rendering that is visible across all the images, from portraits to landscapes to product photography and more.
And yet, I don’t want you to think you need a GFX to create stunning work, so I decided to sneak into this roundup 3 more images: one taken with the “old” X-T1, one with the X-T2 and a last one taken with X-T3 (all shared at our Fujifilm X-T facebook group).
Because medium format is nice and good, but what you can achieve with modern APS-C sensors (and fantastic Fujifilm XF glass), is something that can be shown and printed proudly (such as my personal all time favorite image taken with X-T1)!
And for those of you missing the gear talk and the rumors already, hold on… I might have something for you very soon ;)
Love you all and wish you fantastic weekend
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Richard Ng
shared here
Shot with Gfx50s and 32-64mm

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Chris Daidone Photography
shared here
It was a bitterly cold, but thankfully starry night on Lake Minnewanka. Alberta, CA

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Erik Nomm
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The mighty 110mm f2

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