Fujifilm X-H2 HR 40MP will have Exactly Same Body of Fujifilm X-H2S

There is a question I get very often these days via email but also in the comments here on FujiRumors. Does the X-H2 HR have the same body of the X-H2S HS?

Well, in regards to the Fujifilm X-H2 HR body, Fujifilm will do what in my opinion makes most sense (for R&D reasons): they will use exactly the same body of the Fujifilm X-H2S and just put a different sensor inside.

I know some will be disappointed that also the Fujifilm X-H2 will have a PSAM dial, but here are two positive aspects of that:

Ah, speaking of rumors… do not think we are done yet.

In fact, I am working on so many rumor fronts right now. One of them of course being the Fujifilm X-H2 40MP, but the eye of FujiRumors is also watching beyond that already. ;)

Because it’s Cool: Fujifilm X-H2S Meets FPV Drone and Delivers Epic New Zealand Mountain Bike Downhill Race

I would like to share this video in a dedicated article, for the simple reason that it is cool :)

It shows a Fujifilm X-H2S mounted on a drone following a crazy mountain biker going downhill on the mountains of New Zealand.

So the videos are two: I recommend to start with the final product (1st video above) and then watch the behind the scenes (video below).

You can also read the story here at fujifilm-x.

“My Impression? Fujifilm X-H2S High ISO Performance is 1.5 Stops Better than X-T4 thanks to Four Analog to Digital Converters” – REPORT

ISO Boost?

So far we know (and it has been well documented) that the Fujifilm X-H2S has a vastly improved dynamic range performance in video over the the previous generation sensor, with 14+ stops compared to the previous 12 stops).

But so far we don’t have any word about the dynamic range or ISO performance for stills. And that makes sense, as it is pre-production and we better wait for the final thing before we make any judgments.

With this disclaimer printed clearly on top of the article, I’d like to share a video overview of the X-H2s plus new lenses shared by Ringfoto.

It’s in German, so let me translate the part I’d like you to hear.

Martin at Ringfoto shows samples he took with the Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 of his cute dogs running around. He talks very positively about the autofocus.

Then he addresses the concern that f/8 at 600mm (900 equiv.) might be perceived as too slow by some, as you will have to shoot at higher ISO. But here is what he says:

Opposite to other X-Trans cameras, the X-H2S has four analogue-to-digital converters [admin note: X-T4 & Co have two A-D-C]

Thanks to the new sensor and new technology inside the camera and the four analogue-to-digital converters, my feeling with this pre-production X-H2S at this point is that ISO performance on X-H2S is 1.5 stops better than on the X-T4, which would be sensational.

I want to be careful for now, but it looks very promising.

So what is Ringfoto talking about when they mention the analog-to-digital converter (ADC)?

We know the Fujifilm X-T3 and X-T4 (and all other ISOless or ISO invariant Fuji cameras) have two analogue-to-digital converters. On the X-T3 it works like this: every image recorded under ISO 640 “travels” through one ADC, and every image above ISO 640 goes through another ADC. This helps to improve noise performance.

This can have the paradoxical effect that an image taken in camera at ISO500 can be more noisy than an image taken in camera at ISO800 or even ISO1200, because after ISO640 the other ADC kicks in to improve performance, as you can see at the photonstophotos technical chart here.

What the real life implications of this are has been explained by Rico in several articles, such as the GFX 50 Series is an ISO-less Classic

What’s important for us to know in this article, is that those analog-to-digital converters are a good thing when it comes to noise performance.

And now that we know thanks to Martin that the Fujifilm X-H2S has four AD-converters as opposed to two ADC in the previous X-Trans cameras, then this could indeed explain what Martin observed: a sensational improvement in ISO performance.

Now, to my knowledge Fujifilm has not made any public statement about the increased number of ADC or about the improved ISO performance in stills.

All we could observe until now is that in video the noise performance is shockingly good, as documented also by Gerald Undone and we reported here.

My final word?

Well, there is no final world.

I will wait for final production samples to be tested side by side with other Fujifilm cameras. And this is what also Martin at Ringfoto said, that he wants to validate (or not) his impression with a final production camera.

And once he did that, I will do my job, report and translate his findings for you.

Fujifilm X-H2S and XF150-600mmF5.6-8 High Demand and Possible Shortage of Supply Notice

Fujifilm has issued a press release informing us that the demand for the Fujifilm X-H2S and the Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 is high and that:

  • they will do their best to deliver as soon as possible
  • it might take some time before products are delivered

For what it’s worth, I can confirm that also among the FujiRumors community pre-orders were strong for both of these items, while they were very low for the Fujinon XF18-120mF4.

Press Release

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

WHOOPS: DPReview Removes Their (Bad) XF150-600mmF5.6-8 Samples While Other Photographers Show Super Sharp Images at 600mm

Some guys were sure: it is simply impossible that the Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 is sharp at 600mm, due to mathematical calculations considering f/8 on APS-C combined with statistical elaborations on the effect of diffraction for a pixel pitch of ….

OK, I hear you, let’s keep it short: the XF150-600mmF5.6-8 it’s an unusable piece of junk at 600mmF8.

And looking at the sample gallery shared by DPReview (not to be mistaken with DPRTV) at launch day, which were the worst possible samples, one would agree with the above.

But now it looks as if somebody at DPR had the decency to pull off the sample gallery, as the original link to them is now broken, the sample gallery never loads and on the main page any reference to the sample gallery (still visible in cached version) is gone.

So what happened? I see two options:

  • the lens was used in hot condition with lots of hazy air that influenced IQ
  • the pre-production copy had an issue
  • UPDATE: suggested in the comments, the X-T4 used does not support the lens yet

UPDATE: According to information I have received, the prototype lens didn’t have firmware for X-T4 (which was the camera used for the samples).

Anyway, damage done: the sample were so bad, that some Fuji shooters looking forward to this lens were hugely disappointed and moved away from it.

But the questions remains open: how does the XF150-600 perform at 600mm?

Well, I put to together a series of links where you can see the samples by yourself. Some of them I already shared in the live blog, but others are new links that I did not share in the original live blog coverage.

Look for example at samples of Alan Hewitt below. They show the performance at 600mm with an additional crop to it.

If you ask me, that is actually an excellent performance!

But as usual, watch by yourself and make up your own mind.
