Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 Hits the Stores and More Reviews: Beautiful Sunstars, Autofocus Comparison with XF56mmF1.2 and Samples
The Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 has reached stores all over the world, so probably Fujifilm will be able to start shipping within September 25, despite the unexpected high demand. Remains to see how large the first batch will be. I have the feeling not enough to meet initial demand.
Fujifilm is also preparing your camera, and has just released XF50mmF1.0 support firmware updates for a total of 11 X series cameras.
Hence, for us it’s time to publish a little Fujinon XF50mmf/1.0 roundup.
- XF50mmF1.0 in USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
- XF50mmF1.0 in EU: AmazonDE, CalumetDE, WexUK, ParkcamerasUK, JessopsUK, AmazonUK, PCHstore