Just recently we told you that there won’t be any XF300mmF4 and XF500mmF5.6 in 2021.
Well, I’ve read all the comments to that article, and while some say that those would be very niche lenses and almost nobody would buy them anyway, most of you guys were disappointed by that rumor.
But today I might have something that could cheer up some of you.
I received information from trusted sources, that Fujifilm is working on a Fujinon XF150-600mm lens!
I don’t know the aperture range, but you guys can tell us in the comments what you would like.
But you know how the game goes: slower lens means smaller and cheaper whereas faster lens means bigger and more expensive. So pick your aperture wisely.
And remember, Sigma is rumored to start to make Fuji X mount lenses in 2021 (Sigma itself hinted this!), too. And I hope they’ll be smart enough to release lenses currently not covered by Fujinon glass, hence exactly those long telephoto primes some of you need for your photography.
So, don’t give up all hope guys. ;)
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