Fujinon XF150-600mm and XF18-120mm Size Comparison with XF18-135 vs XF16-80mm vs XF200mm and More

What you see here is the most accurate size comparison possible based on technical sketches Fujifilm provided during the Fujifilm X summit that took place earlier today.

We compare:

Of course this is based on technical sketches, so don’t expect it to be 100% accurate, as things will change from here to the 2022. But so far, for a lens of that range, it does not look bad at all.

Also, if you read FujiRumors regulary, and if you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that the Fujinon XF18-135mm lens is one of my favorite lenses. You can see samples I took with the XF18-135 on my instagram here and here and here and even more. Well, at the Fujifilm X summit, which we covered in detail here, Fujifilm announced the Fujinon XF18-120mm.

So based on the technical sketched delivered during the event, I have made an accurate size comparison between the following lenses:

Yes, it is longer than the XF18-135mm, but keep it mind that we don’t know its aperture now, and that Fujifilm said during the Fujifilm X Summit that this will be lenses that are suitable also for video, so I guess they will be designed with minimal focus breathing, silent autofocus, clickless aperutre ring and other features that are needed for video creators.

But if you shoot stills mainly (like me), I guess the XF18-135 or XF16-80 are still the better pick for you.

Fujifilm Updates X Mount Lens Roadmap with XF150-600mm and XF18-120mm

Interchangeable lens for mirrorless digital camera “X series” Latest development roadmap released

Two new lenses have been added to create a full lineup of 40 lenses! “X mount system” has evolved further.

Press Release

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