Fuji Guys After Event at 10:15 AM EST will be covered LIVE on FujiRumors in the Live Blog Starting at 10AM
September 2 – A Party Schedule
Take your calender and take notes, as here is your schedule for September 2.
First and foremost: open fujirumors.com and just refresh it. Everything that happens will be covered, collected, summarized and filtered for you guys here.
And now to the schedule:
9 AM New York Time: Fujifilm X Summit Live Stream
10 AM New York Time: Announcement Live Blog with First Look Reviews, Samples, News Coverage
10:15 AM New York Time: Fuji Guys X Summit After Event (the video will be included in the FujiRumors Live Blog Coverage starting at 10 AM)
10AM to 1PM: Non Stop Live Coverage in the Live Blog
1PM to 1:30 PM: I need to bring out my almost 17 years old dog, so there will be 30 minutes break :)
1:30PM until whatever it takes: the live blogging continues until I crash
So take note, add it to the calendar, and see you soon for a wonderful Fujifilm day on September 2 here on FujiRumors.