Fujifilm GFX100 Discontinued at Some Stores in Japan

Fujifilm GFX100 Discontinued

In Japan, the first stores are marking the Fujifilm GFX100 as discontinued, as reported by the Japanese website asobinet.

The Fujifilm GFX100 was launched back in 2019 and it was definitely revolutionary for its time, with a backside illuminated 102 megapixel sensor and IBIS, giving medium format speed and flexibility unseen until then in the digital medium format world.

But then…

… on January 27, 2021

… just one day after the birth of my son

… Fujifilm launched the glorious Fujifilm GFX100S: much smaller, much cheaper, much better ergonomics (in my opinion) than the GFX100.

The GFX100S was pretty much superior under every aspect to the GFX100, so much so that Fujifilm USA launched arguably their all time best advertising about the GFX100S with the subtle admission that there is almost not point in buying the GFX100 anymore (in addition to give FujiRumors a shout-out ;))

Sales for the Fujifilm GFX100 plummeted after the GFX100S announcement and since 2+ years it hardly sells anymore.

Miraculously, though, Fujifilm still kept producing it (albeit in very limited numbers) and in fact you can find it still in stock pretty much everywhere in USA and Europe. But it seems that this is going to change soon, as Japanese stores are starting to inform their customers that there won’t be any new shipments for this camera.

Fujifilm Managers Interview: Talking Fujifilm X-Pro4, Autofocus, Fujifilm X-T5 Sales, 5th Generation GFX, X100V Demand and More

The French website Phototrend interviewed a couple of Japanese Fujifilm managers at CP+.

You can find the full interview in French linked down below as well as a summary.


** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

DPRTV Declares Fujifilm GFX100S Best Camera for Landscape Photography

Which are the best cameras for landscape photography?

DPRTV looks at three different price points and makes its recommendations.

There is also a Fujifilm camera among the winners, the Fujifilm GFX100S, in the “money is no object” category.

DPRTV says:

There is no disputing that the Fujifilm GFX medium format cameras are the best option for landscape. Our choice is the Fujifilm GFX100S. What is not to love: you get that amazing 100MP sensor clearly well suited for landscape photography. We also prefer the GFX100S body over the GFX100 because it is more compact. You get nice ergonomics. The Fuji style tilt screen is certainly nice for landscape when you are at awkward angles and it is just easier to travel with.

Fujifilm also has an excellent line of lenses, including the GF20-35mmF4, which is very rare in medium format to have an ultra wide range like that and it’s also a very sharp lens.

It has IBIS and it’s very effective.

If you need more megapixel, you can shoot in multi-shot and get 400MP images.

There is simply no better pick for landscape photography than the Fujifilm GFX100S, if money is no object.

AstrHori 75mm f/4 for Fujifilm GFX Coming August 23

The previously leaked Astrhori 75mm f/4 for Fujifilm GFX will be released on August 23.

That’s according to the image we have received and now share with all of you.

For hands on image of this lens check out our previous article.

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RUMOR: Fujifilm to Launch Two Tilt Shift Lenses for GFX in 2023 – SPECULATION: Fujinon GF21mmF4 TS and Fujinon GF30mmF4 TS?

On the official G mount roadmap, Fujifilm says that there will be a tilt shift lens (not lenses) coming in 2023.

And in fact, they even showed us during the X summit in September 2021 mock-ups of that lens. We can clearly see it’s a GF30mmF4 TS.

But here is the thing.

We have been informed, that Fujifilm does not plan to release one, but two tilt shift lenses for the GFX system in 2023.

If Fujifilm does not change plans, one of them will surely be the Fujinon GF30mmF4 TS.

As for the second one, you might remember how back in 2019 Fujifilm officially asked you guys which tilt lenses you want to get for your GFX. For your convenience, you can see the survey again down below.

Which Fujinon GF Lens Should Fujifilm Make Next? - max. 1 selections

View Results

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Out of the four options Fujifilm gave us, most of you wanted the widest one, the Fujinon GF 21mm F4 Tilt Shift.

The second spot went to the one lens Fujifilm will make for sure, the Fujinon GF30mmF4 TS (unless they change their mind).

A smaller number of the GFX community desired a Tilt Macro option.

Since my source mentioned a second “tilt shift” and not “tilt macro” lens, all those who voted for the Fujinon GF21mm F4 TS can be quite hopeful now.

But I don’t have details on the second lens. It could be also something totally different. I will see if I can find out more for you guys and will eventually let you know here on FujiRumors.

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