Fujifilm GFX100S is the Name of New GFX Camera, Suggesting no Rangefinder Style – Leaked Specs Recap

GFX100S mockup made by fujirumors.com – Not the real camera

Fujifilm GFX100S

FujiRumors has shared the first rumors about “a new Fujifilm GFX100” already back in October already.

Since then, we have shared several rumors, which you can read down below. All trusted, all sure, all confirmed.

What we haven’t shared so far, is the name of the new Fujifilm GFX camera.

Well, today we can tell you that it will be called Fujifilm GFX100S.

Please note that it will be called GFX100S, and not GFX100R, which seems to indicate it will be DSLR styled and not rangefinder styled camera.

GFX100S Rumor Recap

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BREAKING: New Fujifilm GFX100 with IBIS will be “About as Big” as Fujifilm GFX50S

I have been told by trusted sources, that the new Fujfilm GFX100 will be “about as big” as the Fujifilm GFX50S.

And remember, the new Fujifilm GFX100 features IBIS!

It’s astonishing how much Fujiflm has downsized the IBIS unit in such a short time, considering that the one on the Fujiflm GFX100 clearly does not fit in the GFX50S or GFX50R.

Oh, and if you wonder what that “Xg” camera is next to the Fujifilm GFX50S, that’s one of the Fujiflm GFX mockups that Fujifilm has shown to DPReview back in 2019 here.

I have no idea who the new Fujifilm GFX100 will look like, but certainly it would not hurt if it would like that mockup.

RUMOR: Smaller Fujifilm GFX100 will Have IBIS and Coming Early 2021

the current GFX100 IBIS unit mounted on the Fujifilm GFX50S - made by fujirumors.com
the current GFX100 IBIS unit mounted on the Fujifilm GFX50S – made by fujirumors.com

The New Fujifilm GFX100

There is a bit of confusion, so let me clear things up, as well as add something new to it.

Yes, Fujifilm did announce a new Fujifilm GFX100, but that one is an infrared version for forensic use, pretty much as the special Fujifilm X-T1 infrared version.

The Fujifilm GFX camera we rumor here on FujiRumors since a while now, is not an IR Fujifilm GFX100 camera and also not a monochrome camera.

As we told you here, it’s a 102 megapixel Bayer sensor camera that is smaller than the current Fujifilm GFX100. Also, as we told you in October, it will come in early 2021.

IBIS or Not?

Now, some wrote me, speculating that the new smaller GFX100 won’t have IBIS. And in fact, the IBIS unit on the current GFX100 ain’t small at all.

We already made a rendering of the Fujifilm GFX100 IBIS unit mounted on the Fujifilm GFX50S and Fujifilm GFX50R. As you can see, it is definitely too big for any other GFX camera. But since then, Fujifilm has made serious progress when it comes to making the IBIS unit smaller.

And here is what I can tell you today: the new smaller Fujifilm GFX100 coming in early 2021 will have IBIS.

This comes from trusted sources.

New GFX100 Rumor Recap

Ok, so here is the recap it:

Are you curious about more details on the upcoming new Fujifilm GFX100?

Well, then something tells me that you should not miss to read FujiRumors next ;).

Fujifilm GFX100 Pixel Shift First Tests: Single Shot RAW vs Pixel Shift DNG (Files to Download) and new Eye Autofocus Feedback

Over at our massive Fujifilm GFX group, lots of Fujifilm GFX100 shooters are right now testing the brand new 400 megapixel pixel shift feature introduced with the latest firmware update to the Fujifilm GFX100.

I filter out some of the feedback for you here in this article, but make sure to check it out all over at our GFX group.

But there is more than just pixel shift.

In fact, users report also about significant eye autofocus improvements (which is listest by Fujifilm in the official improvements list).

With all the (well deserved) focus on pixel shift, we must keep in mind that applications for such a feature are limited. For most users the more relevant firmware change will be the autofocus improvement. And it seems that Fujifilm tweaked that one quite a bit, too.

So, down below there is some feedback. Make sure to join and check out the GFX group for more.

TESTS (include RAW/NDG to download)

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm Manager Talks Full Frame Market Shift (and Why Fuji Sticks with APS-C), WR Versions of Older Lenses, Market Situation & More

As we reported here, Toshihisa Iida has just been promoted to new President and Managing Director at Fujifilm Europe.

He is also the guy who said in the past that Fujifilm will NEVER go Full Frame.

Now he gave an interview to the amateurphotographer. Here are some excerpts:

COVID-19 affects on Fujifilm

  • Before the pandemic struck, there were more than 8,000 professional photography businesses operating in the UK alone
  • global demand for digital cameras has dropped by 40% since the start of April 2020 according to CIPA, but thanks to the performance of products like the X-T4 and X100V, Fujifilm is performing significantly better than that
  • Fujifilm also worked hard to supply medical imaging technologies to those on the front line, as well as working to realize the manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines and therapies at scale with pharmaceutical partners

Biggest Industry Future Challenges for Fuji: the drift towards full frame or the rise of smartphones?

  • biggest challenge is to ensure to keep innovating in R&D
  • Finding a real consumer demand’ is a key
  • provide a better experience of taking photos and videos
  • Customers don’t buy a sensor, but an experience
  • Fujifilm is not a company to simply follow the same path as others
  • Consumers demand more and are no longer wanting to invest in a product; they want a service and an experience.

The Market Differences over the Globe

  • X-T4, X-T3 and X-T30 are all popular around the world, and the X100V has been the bestselling high-end compact globally.
  • GFX is almost evenly split except in the Chinese market [admin note: I have been told the GFX100 sells extraordinary well in China]
  • piqued popularly of the X-A series in some Asian countries
  • Globally, instax is one of Fujifilm’s biggest consumer success stories

And Full Frame?

  • in the last two years the market shifted strongly towards full frame
  • for Fujifilm, APS-C is the best-balanced system
  • APS-C is the best answer for those downsizing due to the smaller, lighter lenses, as well as the camera body
  • GFX provides the best image quality without requiring a high level of investment.

Fujifilm X-S10

  • It was demand coming from customers used to DSLR cameras and from those who prefer to have more usability for video shooting
  • very rich features such as IBIS, 4K30p video with long recording time – but with a small weight of just 465g
  • X-S10 offers a very smooth transition for DSLR customers to enjoy the latest mirrorless technologies with the advantage of a smaller, handy size.

Weather Resistant Versions of older lenses?

  • WR versions of older lenses requires to completely re-design the inside structure, hence in some cases needs R&D from scratch

Should Fujifilm work closer with Sigma and Tamron?

  • I cannot be specific about our working relationships with other companies but we have received and understand our customers’ request.

You can read the full interview at amateurphotographer.

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