Five Reasons to Switch to Fujifilm for Weddings, From Full Frame DSLR to Fuji X, Worth it? and More Switch Stories

Fuji X Switch Stories

FujiRumors is a 100% independent space.

I don’t get free or discounted gear from Fujifilm, I don’t get special customer service, I don’t get invitations and free flights/hotels to launch parties, I don’t get free t-shirts or hats… and that’s good so.

I wake up, I go to work, I come back home, I blog and I write whatever I want.

This independency allows me to write for example articles like the ones below, that Fujifilm surely did not appreciate:

So actually I don’t think there is one brand out there, that we attacked more than Fujifilm ;).

But my job is not to make Fujifilm happy, but to be loyal to those of you, who decide to read this blog. And hence, I will report everything. Fujifilm does not pay me a penny, and if this blog runs at all, it’s only because you decide to support it.

On the other hand, I can’t hide that I simply fell in love with Fujifilm many years ago, and it’s a love that gets stronger as the years pass by.

So, while I will keep up delivering you everything, every now and then, I also feel like sharing some good switch stories of people, who talk so passionate about Fujifilm.

It’s the same enthusiasm that caught me many years ago, hence, I will share a few of these stories today.

Check them out or not, it’s up to you.

Enjoy your weekend, love you all (even if don’t shoot Fuji ;) )

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Switch to Fuji X

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