MIRRORLESS MEDIUM FORMAT :: Hasselblad will make the Start… but FUJIFILM’s Counterattack is (Almost) Ready !

Fujifilm Medium Format Mirrorless Camera

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Fujifilm Medium Format Mirrorless Camera

A rumor is spreading on the web, brought to us first by mirrorlessrumors: Hasselblad is about to launch a Medium Format Mirrorless Camera! The rumors so far say it will have 50MP (just like the rumored Fujifilm Medium Format Mirrorless Camera).

It’s over a year now that I tell you about Fujifilm working on a Medium Format Camera, a familiar terrain for Fujfilm, since they already have a long Medium Format Camera and Lens production tradition (for film – like the the FUJIFILM GF670.) and they also make lenses for the [shoplink 46551 ebay]Hasselblad’s H system[/shoplink].

I tell you… Fujifilm will make use of all its experience to launch a new digital Medium Format Mirrorless line. But if you don’t trust me, then I remind you the words of Fuji Manager T. Ueno, when he said herewe are in a Very Good Position to make a Medium Format Camera

If it’s true that the mirrorless Boom is slowing down (as Tony Northrup said here), then it seems that camera manufacturers are right now looking for the next fronteer: Medium Format Mirrorless. Hasselblad makes the start. It’s sure that Fujifilm will follow soon. And it’s rumored by SAR that also Sony is seriously thinking to step into this new market.

Below a list of Fujifilm Medium Format Rumors shared over the last 13 months.

stay tuned… fun times are coming :-)
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Medium Format Fuji :: “50MP Sensor & Available 2017!” – New Source

Fujifilm Will Launch a Medium Format Camera (Top Trusted Japanese Source) :: New Source says it will be presented Photokina!

POLL: Medium Format Fuji :: Would you buy a MF Fuji… and How Much would Pay for it?

Fujifilm Medium Format Rumor: Here is the answer to one of the 7 Crucial MF Questions ! (Source Right in the Past).

Let’s Drop The RUMOR-BOMB: Fujifilm is forging a MEDIUM FORMAT CAMERA (Source Right in Past) – WITH POLL