Fujifilm Claims to be Worldwide Nr. 2 in Mirrorless Market and Fujifilm GFX 50S Firmware Update Details in English

Fujifilm GFX

The Spanish site Fujistas was at the Fujifilm GFX 50R launch event. They wrote about it on their blog here (translation), and amongst the others, they shared the following tidbits:

  • Fujifilm claims to be worldwide Nr.2 mirrorless camera manufacturer
  • they demonstrated the crop capabilities of the Fujifilm GFX 100 Megapixel camera and they were extremely impressed

If Fujifilm’s statement is correct, then Fuji surpassed Panasonic and Olympus, and, considering also DSLRs, they are now 4th behind Sony, Nikon and Canon.

Also, a few days ago we shared some Chinese Fujifilm media slides that showed us the details of the upcoming firmware update for Fujifilm GFX 50S. However, we struggled a bit with the translation.

Now Fujistas shared the English version of the slide (see above). The firmware update for Fujifilm GFX50S will bring the following new functions:

  • 35mm Format Mode with GF lens and Fujinon HC lenses
  • Quick Eye-sensor response for Finder
  • Simultaneous delete for RAW and JPG
  • EVF/LCD White point color customization

Fujifilm GFX 50R BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujifilm GFX 50S: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

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PhotoKina 2018: The Year DSLRs Died. What to Expect from Fujifilm and will FujiRumors be There?

images I took at photokina 2016… can you find Waldo

The Year of Mirrorless

This years’ photokina will probably the most exciting of the last 20 years.

We will assist to the death of DSLR’s (that’s it my friends, just accept it), and open the new era of mirrorless.

Paraphrasing the famous sentence from the movie Deadline we could say “that’s technology, baby, there is nothing you can do about it, nothing“.

Sure, the transition from DSLR to mirrorless won’t happen overnight. But that’s the trend. And that’s why Canon and Nikon are starting to get serious about mirrorless, too.

On this years photokina we will see the following new mirrorless cameras from Fujifilm:

Not a rumor, but regarding Fujifilm lenses, I’d not be surprised to see:

  • Fujinon GF 100-200mm F4.5-5.6
  • Fujinon GF 35mm F2.8
  • Fujinon GF 20-36mm F3.5-4.5
  • GF pancake lens is not confirmed
  • and of course the XF200mmF2 and XF8-16mmF2.8


  • Fujinon XF16-80mmF4
  • Fujinon XF16mmF2.8
  • Fujinon XF33mmF1.0 (not sure)

FujiRumors @ Photokina

I am 80% sure I will be there, but if I go, I sadly I can’t be there for more than 1 or (best case) 2 days.

I was at photokina in 2016, also just for one 1 day.

In 2016, the by far busiest booth was the one of Fujifilm, but, between me and you, the most beautiful one was without a doubt the one of Leica (don’t tell Fuji, but I’ve spend hours (!!!) there).

This year, Fujifilm won’t have such an easy game to play like in 2016. The competition is strong, and that’s good for us customers.

The biggest problem?

Well, on the same Photokina days, there is also worlds largest beer festival, the Oktoberfest in Munich (I’ve never been there). So I stand in front of tough decisions: Oktoberfest or Photokina? Life can be so cruel!!!

Let me know in the poll, where I should go ;)

FujiRumors Should...

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FUJIFILM Says FULL FRAME Does NOT Make Sense For them NOW and Compares Size, Weight, Price of APS-C with Full Frame

APS-C vs Full Frame

At the Spanish press event for the launch of the Fujifilm X-T3, Fujifilm has displayed a comparison between their Fujifilm X-T3 and a “mirrorless full frame” system. The media slides were published at the Spanish site albomedia.

The comparison should show, how Fujifilm’s APS-C system is better balanced in terms of size, weight and price compared to full frame. Well done Fuji, now you opened the Pandora box of equivalency… watch out what happens in the comments ;).

When asked if Fujifilm would enter Full Frame, Fujifilm answered:

We would have to start from scratch with the optics, and that would not make sense now

In a recent major poll here on FujiRumors, most FR-readers agree that Fujifilm should stick with their APS-C and medium format systems, and stay away from the full frame slaughter between Sony, Canon, Nikon, Panasonic and maybe even Olympus soon.

As a consequence to your vote, I have shared a list of advantages that APS-C offers over full frame.

Mirrorless vs DSLR

Then Fujifilm also displayed a chart, that shows the overall decline of the camera market, and that DSLR sales are affected most by this decline.

When asked what Fujifilm thinks about the Canon EOS R and the Nikon Z series, they answered:

” it’s good news, as it will allow mirrorless to grow. It is always better have 5% of a market of 20 million that 10% of a market of 5 million”

We already discussed this topic in our article “Canon and Nikon enter mirrorless, and Fujifilm is happy about it“.

Sony’s Fast & Furious Hardware Updates Vs. Fuji’s Kaizen Philosophy :: What’s the Better Strategy to Win the Mirrorless Battle? – POLL


INITIAL NOTE: In all these years of blogging, I’ve learned that every time you compare brands/cameras, the shitstorm is just around the corner. So I’ll say it clearly now: I like the innovation Sony is bringing in the mirrorless market. This article is not to bash on Sony, but just to ask you if you would like Fuji to adopt the same strategy of Sony. If you find something I wrote not accurate, please let me know… you know I’m open for critics and willing to correct statements that are wrong.

Rico’s Fuji X-workshop in Thailand
only 1 space left for English / only 2 spaces left for German

The Fast and The Furious Sony Strategy!

Holy Moly!

Sony just announced the Sony A6500 (BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS), and it comes just a few months after the launch of the Sony A6300. The sensor in both cameras is the same, but Sony build in IBIS, touch screen and improved the AF-performance on the A6500 (reports say the X-T2 AF is superior to the A6300. The A6500 might catch up again). It remains to see, if Sony managed to control overheating better.

Sony shooters might already got used to such a fast camera release rate. Take for example at the Sony A7 series:

Sony A7 + Sony A7r (October 2013)
Sony A7s (April 2014)
Sony A7II (November 2014)
Sony A7rII (August 2015)
Sony A7SII (September 2015)
Sony A9 (planed for 2016, but the April earthquake that hit their sensor factory created a major sensor shortage. Sony even had problems to ship the A7rII)

It’s just crazy how many hardware changes Sony has launched to the original A7/A7r in just 3 years! Basically 2 new Full Frame Mirrorless cameras a year (except 2016 – due to the earthquake): more Megapixel, less Megapixel, Ibis, no Ibis, Phase Detection Pixels, no Phase Detections Pixel… you name it!

This strategy must be quite successful for Sony, because they now adapted it also for the A6000 series. Just 8 months after the release of the Sony A6300, Sony launched the A6500, with hardware and firmware improvements. The question remains open, if the firmware improvements will make it also into the Sony A6300, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Sony would decide to leave the A6300 firmware untouched and “force” customers to buy the A6500 for even faster AF.

Fuji’s Kaizen Strategy… “ for longer camera lifespan

Back in December 2013, the godfather of the X-series, Manager Mr. Kawahara (now retired), said in an interview that Fujifilm will focus on Firmware updates, because “we want you to use our camera longer and longer in your life.” And the press release to the X-T1 Firmware 4.20 reinforced this strategy, since Fuji wrote here: “New X-T1 firmware V.4.20 delivers updated Auto Focus system features, along with several other key upgrades for longer camera lifespan.” I also remember Toshihisa Iida and Fuji Guy Billy confirming the Kaizen Strategy in two video interviews, but I can’t remember where (I’ll update the article if I find the videos).

However, I found another statement by Top Fuji Manager Toshihisa Iida regarding Fuji’s Firmware policy here:

Of course there’s an argument whenever we introduce a new firmware upgrade that it’s damaging the existing product. So there are pros and cons, but we decided that we really needed to take care of the existing customer first before thinking of the new customer. […] So I think that’s right, to show our customer loyalty for their purchase. […] Because now the camera is costing somewhere around several hundred to a thousand dollars. So it’s ridiculous for us to ask customers to upgrade every two years or so.”

So let’s take a look at Fujifilm’s flagship cameras lifespan, the X-Pro and the X-T line

Fuji X-T1  Fuji X-T2 = 2½ years
Fuji X-Pro1  Fuji X-Pro2 = 4 years

However, the X-T1 has actually changed a lot in these years, thanks to many (free!!!) Firmware updates. I’ll mention the 3 major ones, that gave us electronic shutter, new AF-system, new film Simulations, Customizable Q menu… and much more!

18 December 2014 – FW 3.00
29 June 2015 – FW 4.00 + 11 Tips to make the most out of it
17 December 2015 – FW 4.20

Also the X-Pro1 and X-E1/2 got several major Firmware updates. And the X-Pro2 just received a huge update yesterday.

But is this really the right strategy? The development of Firmware updates is expensive and Fujifilm doesn’t make a dime out of it. Actually they hurt sales of newer X-series cameras by upgrading older ones. Sure, it might be good for us customers (longer camera lifespan), but it’s definitely not good for Fujifilms’ finances!

That said, as a customer, I’m obviously a Kaizen-fan and hope Fujifilm will keep this philosophy. But I also hope this won’t affect their business too negatively, because I want them to survive the mirrorless battle… and that brings me to today’s Poll

The Poll

The mirrorless battle has just begun, and it’s clear to me that some companies will perish, regardless how amazing their products are (Samsung died despite having a terrific camera, the Samsung NX1).

Only those companies with the best strategy will survive the mirrorless battle.

That’s why I’d like to know from you, what do you think would be better for Fujifilm: keep focussing on Firmware updates or do it like Sony?

The best strategy for Fuji is to...

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Top Sony Manager Confirms The Fast Focussing Fuji X-T2 is a Threat for Sony A7 series Customers. “We Don’t Have This Weapon Right Now”

CONFIRMED – Fujifilm Medium Format To Be Unveiled September 19

Fujifilm Medium Format


Medium Format Fujifilm

Mirrorlessrumors was the first to say it here: the Fujifilm Medium Format Fujifilm will be unveiled on September 19. And as Petapixel already said here, there is a Fujifilm Press Conference scheduled for that day (at 05:00 PM Berlin Time – 11:00 AM New York Time). You can see it also at the official Photokina Press Conference schedule here.

Well, I would like to join the club, and confirm that the Medium Format Fujifilm will indeed be unveiled on September 19.

Oh, and in my previous Medium Format rumor article, some FR-readers asked me if it’s possible that the MF Fuji will be announced on the 16th. Well, I’m afraid that on Friday the 16th of September the most exciting thing that will happen in my life will be the moment I leave the classroom and say: “finally weekend” ;)

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