I have been told by trusted sources, that the new Fujfilm GFX100 will be “about as big” as the Fujifilm GFX50S.
And remember, the new Fujifilm GFX100 features IBIS!
It’s astonishing how much Fujiflm has downsized the IBIS unit in such a short time, considering that the one on the Fujiflm GFX100 clearly does not fit in the GFX50S or GFX50R.
Oh, and if you wonder what that “Xg” camera is next to the Fujifilm GFX50S, that’s one of the Fujiflm GFX mockups that Fujifilm has shown to DPReview back in 2019 here.
I have no idea who the new Fujifilm GFX100 will look like, but certainly it would not hurt if it would like that mockup.
Now, some wrote me, speculating that the new smaller GFX100 won’t have IBIS. And in fact, the IBIS unit on the current GFX100 ain’t small at all.
We already made a rendering of the Fujifilm GFX100 IBIS unit mounted on the Fujifilm GFX50S and Fujifilm GFX50R. As you can see, it is definitely too big for any other GFX camera. But since then, Fujifilm has made serious progress when it comes to making the IBIS unit smaller.
And here is what I can tell you today: the new smaller Fujifilm GFX100 coming in early 2021 will have IBIS.
Some got good results, others not. So it’s definitely a feature you should learn to master, making especially attention to avoid any movement from the lens, camera, tripod and even from the ground around the tripod.
Now the Fuji Guys have released a short video, called “understanding GFX100 pixel shift“.
So what’s new in this video? Well, not much, but there might be something you might have missed, and also some little new things. Let me sum them up for you:
the final image (a DNG merger from 16 images) is already fully demosaiced, because the camera capture full RGB color information with every capture as the sensor moves around
That was it already. But down below I will share more videos about the new Fujifilm GFX100 pixel shift feature.
Over at our massive Fujifilm GFX group, lots of Fujifilm GFX100 shooters are right now testing the brand new 400 megapixel pixel shift feature introduced with the latest firmware update to the Fujifilm GFX100.
I filter out some of the feedback for you here in this article, but make sure to check it out all over at our GFX group.
But there is more than just pixel shift.
In fact, users report also about significant eye autofocus improvements (which is listest by Fujifilm in the official improvements list).
With all the (well deserved) focus on pixel shift, we must keep in mind that applications for such a feature are limited. For most users the more relevant firmware change will be the autofocus improvement. And it seems that Fujifilm tweaked that one quite a bit, too.
Fujifilm develops the new “Pixel Shift Multi-Shot” function to capture and generate the world’s highest resolution*1 of 400MP images with accurate color reproduction
-Applying the FUJIFILM GFX100 mirrorless digital camera for digital archiving of cultural assets -Providing firmware and software that enable the use of this function from today