Mitakon Zhongyi Speedmaster 65mm f/1.4 for Fujifilm GFX Available Now and Reviews


Mitakon Zhongyi Speedmaster 65mm f/1.4

The Mitakon Speedmaster 65mm F1.4 for Fujifilm GFX is now available now at AmazonUS (via third-party) and eBay (check the warranty). Expect it to be available soon also at BHphoto and Adorama. You can also grab it directly at with 5 year warranty.

Beta testers of the Mitakon 65/1.4 like Jonas Rask have already shared samples at our Fujifilm GFX facebook group since several weeks, such as Jonas Rask, who who say here:

“It’s a fantastic lens that I’ve really enjoyed shooting the past months. Not as sharp as the GF63 counterpart wide open, but it holds up really nice when stopped down.

Wide open, corners are not as sharp as center – obviously. But it has minimal vignette. Just to be clear, I was told that this is NOT a converted full frame 50mm f/0.95.

What you will get with this lens is a really unique look to your images.

We’ve all heard the phrase “I love that medium format look” – which basically translates into “Wide field of view combined with narrow depth of field

This lens will make your full body portraits look like something out of a Pentax 67 with 105/2.4.

You can obviously achieve this look with other lenses (Voigtländer 58/1.4, Minolta 58/1.2 etc) But the Mitakon just feels right at home on the GFX with its native mount and size.”

Jonas Rasks’ full Mitakon 65mmF1.4 review can be read at jonasrask here.

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Press Release

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Fujifilm GFX50R Owner’s Manual Released. Good Sales, Slow Shipping!

Fuji GFX50R

The Fujifilm GFX50R owner’s manual is now available in html version and PDF version.

If you follow our fantastic Fujifilm GFX User Group, you will be able to chat with the first Fujifilm GFX50R owners out there, and enjoy their images.

At the moment it’s not that easy to find the Fuji GFX50R in stock. Adorama for example marked it as “backordered“.

I hear the demand for Fuji GFX50R is pretty good, and fulfilling all pre-orders might take longer than Fujifilm originally planed. So brace yourself with a bit of patience.

Fujifilm GFX 50R: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera

Profoto Air Remote TTL-F compatible with Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm GFX 50R

Profoto Air Remote TTL-F compatible with Fujifilm X-T3 and GFX 50R

FUJIFILM has recently announced its new cameras FUJIFILM X-T3 and FUJIFILM GFX 50R. The Profoto Air Remote TTL-F is compatible with the X-T3 and GFX 50R out of the box.


– Your camera’s Shutter Type setting should not be “Electronic Shutter”.
– Make sure to use the latest firmware on your Air Remote TTL-F and Profoto flashes.

via profoto newsletter

Fujifilm GFX 50S Firmware Update 3.30 and New Features Guide Released

Fujifilm has just released firmware update ver.3.30 for Fujifilm GFX 50S. Since it introduces new features, Fujifilm has also published a new features guide for firmware 3.30 (PDF).

Fujifilm GFX 50S firmware version 3.30 – download here  / new features guide

  1.  Supports “35mm Format Mode” when using GF Lens and H mount adapter
    “35mm Format Mode” crops the center of the sensor 36.0mm x 24.0mm (30.5M) and records JPEG and RAW file
  2. Impoved eye-sensor response
    Reduced the time to switch between EVF and LCD when you select “eye-sensor” on the viewfinder display settings
  3. Supports simultaneous delete for RAW and JPEG files
    When RAW / JPEG is selected in the card slot setting (for still image), RAW/JPEG image can be deleted simultaneously. By selecting “OFF”, only the RAW image will be deleted
  4. Supports EVF and LCD color adjustment
    Color of EVF/LCD is adjustable from screen setting menu

As we reported here, Fujifilm X-T3 firwmare 2.00 and Fujifilm X-H1 firmware 2.00 will follow in December.

Fujifilm Manager Says Fujifilm GFX100 has Less Noise than GFX50, Less than 10 fps, OIS/IBIS Combo, X-T3 AF Algorithm and More

Fujiflm GFX100

Fujifilm Manager Mr.Oishi was at the press event for the Fujifilm GFX system in Thailand and also chatted with the media.

The Thai youtube channel กล้องกล้วยกล้วย published 3 videos of the event, but only 2 are of interest for us (see them at the bottom of the article).


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