Top 10 Fujifilm X Camera Flops and 10 Errors Fujifilm Should Avoid in Future

Top of the Flops

We did talk about the top 10 most important cameras of Fujifilm in the last 10 years.

But not all was successful that Fujifilm did.

So why did some cameras fail?  Bad timing? Bad specs? Too strong competition? Killed by Kaizen? Complicated usability?

Let’s look into it today, because knowing the errors of the past, will help to avoid to make the same errors in future.

Let’s start!

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X-E2 vs. X-E2S: Ending the Confusion


X-E2 vs. X-E2S: Ending the Confusion

by Rico Pfirstinger

Talk to Rico (open forum for questions & feedback)

Rico’s Books at Rocky Nook – Fuji X Secrets Workshops – Rico’s Flickr Sets

By upgrading your Fujifilm X-E2 with firmware 4, you are giving up the camera that you knew: Your X-E2 will turn into an X-T10—only with a rangefinder design. However, on the inside, both the X-E2v4 and the new X-E2S offer (almost) the same features, the same menu options and the same graphical user interface as the X-T10.

Rico_BannerThis is important. To begin with, it means that your old X-E2 user manual has become pretty much obsolete. That’s why Fujifilm has created an entirely new manual along with firmware 4. You can download it here as a PDF file. It also means that my eBook on the X-E2 doesn’t apply to cameras running firmware 4 or the new X-E2S. It’s still great if you don’t upgrade your X-E2, but users who have made the jump are now much better off with my book on the X-T10.

I am not kidding! As long as you can see beyond the different form factors (rangefinder style vs. SLR style), my X-T10 book is now almost perfectly applicable. It really is, because Fuji did a terrific job transforming the X-E2 into an X-T10 with camouflage. This means that my X-E2 eBook won’t be updated. It doesn’t have to, because the update is already here.

Same Same, But Different

Okay, so your X-E2 is now a rangefinder-style version of the X-T10. Great! But what exactly are the differences between an X-E2 running firmware 4 and the new X-E2S? There seems to be some confusion, so let’s straighten it out.



X-E2 vs. X-E2S

On the outside, the differences are minimal. The X-E2S offers an “improved” hand grip, but to be honest, I can’t feel much of a difference. However, pressing the four selector buttons on the back of the X-E2S does feel better, so this may be another small improvement over the classic X-E2. With firmware 4, you can forget the MACRO and AF descriptions on two of the X-E2’s selector buttons, as all four selector keys now serve as Fn buttons, just like in the X-E2S. This gives both cameras a total of 7 Fn buttons!

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New Firmware Features (2): Using Camera Remote

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New Firmware Features (2): Using Camera Remote

by Rico Pfirstinger

Talk to Rico (open forum for questions & feedback)

Fuji X Secrets Workshops – Rico’s Flickr Sets

This Thursday (18 DEC 2014), Fuji is releasing new firmware for the X-Pro1, X-E1, X-E2 and X-T1. This is the second of three articles explaining the changes and enhancements brought to you by these updates. In this edition, I am going to cover the main feature of firmware 3.00 for the X-E2: Camera Remote control via wifi. This article also applies to users of the X-T1, X30 and X100T, as these cameras offer pretty much the same remote control functionality.

What is Camera Remote?

Camera Remote allows you to control the camera from a smartphone or tablet running Android or iOS and Fuji’s Cam Remote app. The connection is based on the camera’s and smartphone’s wifi function.

How to use Camera Remote

In order to use Camera Remote, you have to download and install the free Cam Remote app on your smartphone or tablet. You can find download links and additional information here. Of course, your X-E2 needs to run firmware 3.00 or newer.

Make sure that you use the Cam Remote app and not the older Camera App.

Here’s how Camera Remote works with iOS devices (and it shouldn’t be much different for Android users):

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New Firmware Features (1): Using AF+MF

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New Firmware Features (1): Using AF+MF

by Rico Pfirstinger

Talk to Rico (open forum for questions & feedback)

Fuji X Secrets Workshops – Rico’s Flickr Sets

This Thursday (18 DEC 2014), Fuji is releasing new firmware for the X-Pro1, X-E1, X-E2 and X-T1. This is the first of three articles explaining the changes and enhancements brought to you by these updates. Let’s begin with the single new feature that affects all four X camera models: AF+MF.

What is AF+MF?

AF+MF allows you to autofocus in AF mode, then adjust the focus manually by turning the focus ring while holding the shutter button half-depressed.

In order to access this feature, the camera needs to be updated with the latest firmware (at least version 3.40 for the X-Pro1, 2.40 for the X-E1, 3.00 for the X-E2 and 3.00 for the X-T1). Then select SHOOTING MENU > AF+MF > ON to enable the new feature.

How to apply AF+MF

In order to use AF+MF, your X-T1 or X-E2 have to be in AF-S autofocus mode. Users of X-E1 and X-Pro1 cameras may also select AF-C using the focus mode selector switch that is located at the front of the camera.

Here’s how AF+MF works, step by step:

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