Fujifilm Explains Camera Line Distinction (CLASSIC Beats PSAM) and Likely Told us Which Lines Will Survive (and Which Ones Not)

Fujifilm Camera Lines Explained

The Fujifilm X-T line was never supposed to be a flagship camera.

Let me explain why.

When Fujifilm launched the Fujifilm X-H1, they called it their flagship camera, giving it top of the line features that no other camera had at that time (like IBIS) and in part still no other camera, except for X-Pro3, has (like the ultra-tough body). The Fujifilm X-T2 was positioned under the X-H1.

However, since it took Fujifilm so long to release the Fujifilm X-H1 successor, the Fujifilm X-T line had to take over the “flagship-role” for a couple of years.

But now, with the the release of the Fujifilm X-H2S and the pre-announced Fujifilm X-H2, everything is going back to normal so to say.

X-H is the flagship, and X-T is the mid-range.

And that’s not me saying it, but Fuji Guy Billy, who went through the “what is what” in the Fujifilm camera lineup with Bigheaedtaco, who then shared Billy’s list with us in the video below (starts 9:59).

For your convenience, here is the list.

  • X-H series:
    Refinement: Flagship Utility
    Interface: Hybrid
  • X-Pro series:
    Refinement: Luxury
    Interface: classic rangefinder
  • X-T* series:
    Refinement: mid-level
    Interface: classic SLR
  • X-S series:
    Refinement: Base Level
    Interface: DSLR design with PSAM interface
  • X-T** series:
    Refinement: Base Level
    Interface: classic SLR design with classic interface
  • X-E series
    Refinement: Base Level
    Interface: Rangefinder design with classic interface

Who REMAINS and who is OUT

  • I agree with Bigheadtaco when he speculates that all those camera lines mentioned in the list will see a successor at some point. Otherwise I believe Fuji Guy Billy would not have mentioned them
  • if correct, this means that also the X-E line will continue, hence there is hope for a Fujifilm X-E5
  • the true entry level line seems to be dead as it is not mentioned on the list. We already speculated about this back in 2020 when the X-T*** had been discontinued after only 9 months
  • this means little hope for Fujifilm X-A8, Fujifilm X-T300, X-A30
  • the “new” entry level (or base line) is considered the X-T** and X-S line


  • there will be 3 lines with a more classic interface, and 2 lines with PSAM dials
  • Non-PSAM dial camera lines will remain the majority in the Fuji lineup (4 non PSAM lines vs 2 PSAM lines)
  • Fujifilm has not lost its soul! Classic control lovers like me will have plenty of cameras to pick from also in the future

By getting rid of a few lines and separating more clearly the remaining ones, Fujifilm has addressed one of the major concerns that was confusing Fujifilm X shooters: too many camera lines positioned too close to each other without sufficient differentiation.

In short we could say that every line will have a higher end and a lower end version

  • HIGH: X-H line – LOW: X-S line
  • HIGH: X-T* line – LOW: X-T** line
  • HIGH: X-Pro line – LOW: X-E* line

P.S.: It was just so much more fun when Fujifilm used other terms to identify their camera lines, like when they said the X-T** line for hipsters :).

Alleged Fujifilm X-H2S Sony Sensor IMX671 Now Online Promises Future Great High-Speed Performance

Somebody is right now sending some Sony sensor specs to all possible websites. And of course we received it too.

An APS-C format stacked sensor, dubbed the IMX671-AAPH, appears to be a public version of the sensor used in the X-H2S.
This is a sensor that allows for high speed readout without DRAM, the same architecture as the IMX472 in the Olympus OM-1.
Perhaps Fujifilm can achieve greatness in high-speed photography in the future.

Down below you can see the full file I have received.

Again: I have received this anonymously. I did not plan to publish it but since it is spreading all over the web, I will share it now, even thought it is very likely a fake.

Fujifilm X-H2 HR 40MP will have Exactly Same Body of Fujifilm X-H2S

There is a question I get very often these days via email but also in the comments here on FujiRumors. Does the X-H2 HR have the same body of the X-H2S HS?

Well, in regards to the Fujifilm X-H2 HR body, Fujifilm will do what in my opinion makes most sense (for R&D reasons): they will use exactly the same body of the Fujifilm X-H2S and just put a different sensor inside.

I know some will be disappointed that also the Fujifilm X-H2 will have a PSAM dial, but here are two positive aspects of that:

Ah, speaking of rumors… do not think we are done yet.

In fact, I am working on so many rumor fronts right now. One of them of course being the Fujifilm X-H2 40MP, but the eye of FujiRumors is also watching beyond that already. ;)

Because it’s Cool: Fujifilm X-H2S Meets FPV Drone and Delivers Epic New Zealand Mountain Bike Downhill Race

I would like to share this video in a dedicated article, for the simple reason that it is cool :)

It shows a Fujifilm X-H2S mounted on a drone following a crazy mountain biker going downhill on the mountains of New Zealand.

So the videos are two: I recommend to start with the final product (1st video above) and then watch the behind the scenes (video below).

You can also read the story here at fujifilm-x.

“My Impression? Fujifilm X-H2S High ISO Performance is 1.5 Stops Better than X-T4 thanks to Four Analog to Digital Converters” – REPORT

ISO Boost?

So far we know (and it has been well documented) that the Fujifilm X-H2S has a vastly improved dynamic range performance in video over the the previous generation sensor, with 14+ stops compared to the previous 12 stops).

But so far we don’t have any word about the dynamic range or ISO performance for stills. And that makes sense, as it is pre-production and we better wait for the final thing before we make any judgments.

With this disclaimer printed clearly on top of the article, I’d like to share a video overview of the X-H2s plus new lenses shared by Ringfoto.

It’s in German, so let me translate the part I’d like you to hear.

Martin at Ringfoto shows samples he took with the Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 of his cute dogs running around. He talks very positively about the autofocus.

Then he addresses the concern that f/8 at 600mm (900 equiv.) might be perceived as too slow by some, as you will have to shoot at higher ISO. But here is what he says:

Opposite to other X-Trans cameras, the X-H2S has four analogue-to-digital converters [admin note: X-T4 & Co have two A-D-C]

Thanks to the new sensor and new technology inside the camera and the four analogue-to-digital converters, my feeling with this pre-production X-H2S at this point is that ISO performance on X-H2S is 1.5 stops better than on the X-T4, which would be sensational.

I want to be careful for now, but it looks very promising.

So what is Ringfoto talking about when they mention the analog-to-digital converter (ADC)?

We know the Fujifilm X-T3 and X-T4 (and all other ISOless or ISO invariant Fuji cameras) have two analogue-to-digital converters. On the X-T3 it works like this: every image recorded under ISO 640 “travels” through one ADC, and every image above ISO 640 goes through another ADC. This helps to improve noise performance.

This can have the paradoxical effect that an image taken in camera at ISO500 can be more noisy than an image taken in camera at ISO800 or even ISO1200, because after ISO640 the other ADC kicks in to improve performance, as you can see at the photonstophotos technical chart here.

What the real life implications of this are has been explained by Rico in several articles, such as the GFX 50 Series is an ISO-less Classic

What’s important for us to know in this article, is that those analog-to-digital converters are a good thing when it comes to noise performance.

And now that we know thanks to Martin that the Fujifilm X-H2S has four AD-converters as opposed to two ADC in the previous X-Trans cameras, then this could indeed explain what Martin observed: a sensational improvement in ISO performance.

Now, to my knowledge Fujifilm has not made any public statement about the increased number of ADC or about the improved ISO performance in stills.

All we could observe until now is that in video the noise performance is shockingly good, as documented also by Gerald Undone and we reported here.

My final word?

Well, there is no final world.

I will wait for final production samples to be tested side by side with other Fujifilm cameras. And this is what also Martin at Ringfoto said, that he wants to validate (or not) his impression with a final production camera.

And once he did that, I will do my job, report and translate his findings for you.