Fujifilm X-H2 with 40MP: Do You Want it with X-Trans or Bayer CFA – VOTE NOW

If we combine what Fujifilm told us with the rumors we have shared, we can be sure that the 26MP stacked BSI Fujifilm X-H2S will have an X-Trans sensor.

But the question remains open, if the high resolution non-stacked 40MP Fujifilm X-H2 will have an X-Trans or Bayer sensor.

Now, both color filter arrays have their strengths and weaknesses. We have written about it more in detail here. In short we could sum it up like this:

  • Bayer Array: better for more features and less power hungry and less heat generation and less battery drain
  • X-Trans Array: better for image quality (sharper*, less color noise at high ISO**, more film-like grain etc)

What I would like to hear from you today is what you’d prefer. Hence, down below is a survey.

Feel free to drop your vote.

I hope the high resolution 40MP non-stacked Fujifilm X-H2 will have...

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* as documented by DPReview here
** as documented by admiringlight here

Fujifilm X-H2S to cost $2,499: Price Compared to Sony A9II, Sony A1, Canon R3, Nikon Z9, OM-1 Stacked Sensor Cameras

Here is a mandatory follow up article to my previous rumor, which indicated the Fujifilm X-H2s would cost $2,499 US Dollar.

I ended up my short article saying “you gotta love that affordable APS-C system“. A sentence that I guess was misunderstood and needs to be put into context.

By no means $2,499 is little money per se.

And it is also a lot of money to put into a camera for sure, given the fact that you can buy for example a brand new Fujifilm X-T3 for just $999 these days.

But as everything in life, you need to put things into a context.

And the context here is that the Fujifilm X-H2S is, in my opinion, very affordable if we compare it to other stacked sensor cameras out there.

So let’s do just that.

I know some will say you can’t compare cameras simply by price. And that’s true.

In fact, there are cameras listed above that have completely removed the mechanical shutter to save money (Nikon Z9), other that feature a M43 sensor (OM System OM 1) others have more megapixel (Sony A1), others have an integrated grip (Canon EOS R3) and what not.

However, what unites them all, is that they are designed for the ultimate speed by using a stacked sensor, which is the most expensive sensor you can buy these days for a digital camera (while waiting for the global shutter to be ready).

So the main target of those cameras is more or less the same: photographers who need the fastest camera possible!

And if your main need is speed, you will want a stacked sensor camera. And the stacked Fujifilm X-H2s will cost you about half the money of the next best stacked full frame camera. A massive price difference of $2,000!

Only the OM-1 is more affordable, but only by $300 compared to the X-H2S. And as an Olympus lover myself, it does hurt me to say that with such a small price difference I guess for most the better pick is the X-H2S.

And remember, the Fujifilm X-H2S will have also a faster readout than any other full frame stacked sensor camera out there, as the 40 fps bursts seems to indicate. This could potentially also benefit blackout-less EVF frame rates and much more.

Let’s see… we will know a whole lot more on May 31 at 9AM EST.

I guess on one thing we can agree: on May 31, the stacked sensor camera market is going to get a lot more competitive, which is good for all of us customers, also those who do not shoot Fujifilm.

What else will come on May 31?

Well, what’s listed below is what will come for sure. If there is anything more, I’ll let you know.

LEAKED: This is the PRICE of the Fujifilm X-H2S

Fujifilm X-H2S

After our leak that the Fujifilm X-H2S will cost “more than the high resolution Fujifilm X-H2“, my perception was that most people speculated for the price of the Fujifilm X-H2s to go well beyond $2,500.

But I am happy to report that, according to our trusted sources, the price in US Dollar for the Fujifilm X-H2S will be of $2,499!

You gotta love that affordable APS-C system ;)

LIVE STREAM – May 31 at 9AM New York Time – Live on FujiRumors

Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S rumored specs list:

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RUMOR: Fujinon XF18-120mm f/4 Announcement on May 31

Not everything that Fujifilm has officially teased or we have rumored here on FujiRumors will come during the X summit on May.

We certainly will not get the full announcement of the Fujifilm X-H2 high resolution or the Fujinon XF56mm f/1.2 MKII.

But today we can add one item to the list of gear that will come: the Fujinon XF 18-120mm f/4!

So, at the time of this post, the gear that we know will certainly be announced on May 31 is:

LIVE STREAM – May 31 at 9AM New York Time – Live on FujiRumors

RUMOR: Fujifilm X-H2 with 40MP will be More Affordable than Fujifilm X-H2S with 26MP

One of the big questions regarding the Fujifilm X-H2S and Fujifilm X-H2 is how much they will cost.

Well, these are crazy times with the inflation going nuts, so to give a precise price now, especially on the Fujifilm X-H2, which will come only after the X-H2s, is not very easy, considering that Fujifilm has still enough time to make up its mind on the final price.

But here is what we can say for certain. According to our information:

  • we confirm that price of the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2 will be “below $2,500
  • we can now say with 100% certainty that the 26MP Fujifilm X-H2S will cost MORE than the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2

In short: speed will cost you more than resolution!

We remind you that the Fujifilm X-H2S will have a stacked sensor, whereas the Fujifilm X-H2 won’t be stacked.

Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S rumored specs list:

The Fastest Growing Fujifilm Group

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