My Firmware Wish
So, I told you here that the Fujifilm X-S20 will have an improved automatic subject detection tracking feature.
In short: no matter what’s in your frame, bird, car, person, animal, train, insect or whatever is part of Fujifilm’s trackable subjects (list here), the Fujifilm X-S20 will automatically recognize it and track it.
That’s not possible on higher end models Fujifilm X-H2, X-H2 and X-T5, where you have to always tell the camera in the menu what you would like to track and change it every time you want to track something differently.
In that article, I also expressed my wish for this AUTO mode to come to other 5th generation cameras via firmware update.
And I also have an idea how Fujifilm implement it on our cameras, but first I have to clarify something.
The Misunderstanding
The AUTO feature on the X-S10 (and X-S20) will do much more than just recognizing the subjects to track.
It will also recognize if it’s sunset, night, tripod, landscape, macro etc and adjust all the settings accordingly (even pick the film simulation it thinks works best).
So it’s a full fledged auto mode like on a smartphone, and to me it makes totally sense that a base model like the X-S20 offers it, because it’s a camera that’s also aimed to people who want to upgrade from smartphones, and having that option can help to make the switch less intimidating.
And here comes the misunderstanding:
Some of you wrote me and told me it makes no sense to have such a full AUTO mode also on high end Fujifilm cameras.
And guys, I agree with you. I also want to pick my film simulation, my aperture and so forth by myself.
What I was referring to was only the AUTO scene detection mode. So the option to let the camera recognize by itself what’s the subject to track in my frame, without me needing to go all the time to go into the menu and switch subjects.
And I also have a solution on how this could work on Fujifilm X-T5, X-H2 and X-H2S.
The Solution
Fujifilm could add the option AUTO in the “Subject Detection Settings” menu and that’s it. Above you can see a rendering I made of how this would look like.
Once set on AUTO, the camera will automatically pick which subject to track (people included).
And of course, it would not affect your film simulation, aperture, ISO or other values, like the AUTO on the X-S10 and X-S20 mode dial does.
Fujifilm, you have the software capable to do that (as the X-S20 will show). Now it’s just a matter of will to bring it to us higher end Fujifilm camera users.
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