I have received a rumor by a new source (thanks) regarding Sigma, Tamron and Tokina lenses for Fujifilm X mount.
- Sigma: it depends on Fuji’s market share (we already shared the rumor here)
- Tamron gave vague answers to our source (there were rumors of Fuji support in the past)
- Tokina has actually started to design some lenses for Fujifilm already, but they don’t finalize and launch them because of royalties they have to pay to Fujifilm
Of course take it with a grain of salt for now, and if I get any updates, you will read them here on FujiRumors.
But I just remembered, what top Fujifilm manager Toshi said, when DPR asked him here, if Fujifilm welcomes glass by third-party lens manufacturers:
They’re not open standards as yet, but of course our customers want choice. We’re always considering what would benefit our customers, and more lenses are generally beneficial for customers.
Dear Fujifilm, your Fujinon glass is nothing but amazing, but we indeed want more options, and if it’s true that some kind of protectionism is holding off some third-party manufacturers to launch autofocus glass for Fujifilm, then please change your policy.
With that said, we are in the world of “grain of salt” with this rumor for now ;).
But if somebody out there has some knowledge to share, feel free to contact me via email at fujirumor@gmail.com or via anonymous rumor box (use a nick-name if you want, so that I can recognize you if in future you decide to share something else).
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