Fujifilm X-Pro4 Delayed by High Expectations – Fujifilm Wants It to Be More Than Just an Upgrade

Petapixel shared the X-Pro related part of the interview they had with Fujifilm managers at CP+. You can read it here.

In short:

  • Fujifilm is aware of demand for X-Pro3 successor
  • New X-Pro will come, but Fujifilm does not want it to be just a small “boring” update
  • the new X-Pro needs something which would satisfy the expert users
  • it would be boring to just put the 40MP and X Processor 5 in the X-Pro and call it X-Pro4
  • it should be a worthy upgrade
  • X100VI got IBIS and 40MP, hence introduced noticeable changes to the X100 line
  • Fujifilm has spent lots of time in thinking about X-Pro4, and during that time expectations kept expanding, making it harder for Fujifilm to live up to those expectations.
  • the longer it takes to develop it, the more difficult it will be to please fans of the series
  • we probably made it difficult for ourselves, because we perhaps made the X-Pro too special.”

Fuji Guy Billy said already back in 2024 that the Fujifilm X-Pro4 needs to be something special. So the interview today confirms that.

Fujifilm X-Pro6 in 2026 with 6th Generation Platform? Let’s Talk About it!

We told you that there won’t be any Fujifilm X-Pro4 or Fujifilm X-Pro5 in 2025.

The fact that it takes so long made many in the comments to this post speculate that Fujifilm might just skip the 5th generation platform and use the 6th generation platform for the Fujifilm X-Pro6.

And not only some of our readers, but also guys with excellent connections to Fujifilm such as Gordon from Cameralabs in the Petapixel podcast and Ritchie from FujiXWeekly speculate that Fujifilm will skip the 5th generation and go straight for the 6th generation with the X-Pro3 successor (X-Trans VI and X Processor 6).

Now, this goes against the pretty much only thing we have heard officially from Fujifilm about the next X-Pro, which is what Fujifilm Guy Billy said.

Billy said that he can see the X-Pro getting the 5th gen specs, but the reason for the wait was that it had to be something very special.

My take?

I try to avoid speculations in this matter, because I know it matters so much to many. Which is why I will stick to rumors. And for now, I have no rumors about the Fujifilm X-Pro4, X-Pro5 ro X-Pro6 (or however it will be called), except for the fact that it won’t come in 2025 but Fujifilm is working on an improved hybrid viewfinder.

Of course the fact that it takes so long for the X-Pro3 successor to come opens up the possibility for an X-Pro on 6th generation steroids. Or maybe Fujifilm will keep the 5th gen platform as suggested by Fuji Guy Billy, but look into other ways to make it “special”, with new ergonomic solutions, some of which we could see first on the Fujifilm GFX100RF as we rumored here.

But whatever it is, I will not make any speculations right now, because people tend to mistake my random speculations for solid rumors and then turn mad on me if those speculations do not materialize. That’s OK for me most of the time, but not in regards to the Fujifilm X-Pro3 successor.

But you guys can loosen your fingers, open your mind, and type all your thoughts and speculations in the comments below.

BREAKING: Fujifilm X-Pro4 (X-Pro5) is Not Coming in 2025

Fujifilm X-Pro Line Future

I don’t know exactly how to bring you this rumor, but I guess the best way is just to deliver it straight and raw:

According to multiple of our highly trusted sources (as well as a couple of new ones) there won’t be any Fujifilm X-Pro4 or Fujifilm X-Pro5 (or any X-Pro3  successor) in 2024 and not even in 2025.

I know that’s a bummer for many Fujifilm lovers out there.

But you can trust that I made sure this is an accurate rumor. I know a huge chunk of the reputation of this rumor website depends on the X-Pro4 rumors and I would only share it if I am 110% sure.

The wait for the Fujifilm X-Pro4 or may it be called Fujifilm X-Pro5 is longer than we’d like it to be.

I just hope that this also means the next X-Pro will be something super-special and worth the wait.

And in the Meantime…

While the Fujifilm X-Pro3 successor might not come in 2025, there are plenty of other cameras Fujifilm is working on for 2025 release.

And there might even more coming.

I am personally hyped about the Fujifilm X-E5.

Fujifilm X-E5 in 2025: The Perfect Dial is…? – VOTE

If you thought the film simulation dial of the Fujifilm X-T50 was a one-time experiment by Fujifilm, then forget about it.

Hate it or love it, it is here to stay and it will be used also on the upcoming Fujifilm X-M5.

Of course the question now is: will there be also other future Fujifilm cameras that will use that dial?

Well, we can safely assume that higher end cameras won’t use the film simulation dial. I simply can’t believe Fujifilm would put one on the Fujifilm X-Pro5 or Fujifilm X-T6 or Fujifilm X-H3 or Fujifilm X-H3S.

But as we can see on X-T50/X-M5, on mid-low end cameras Fujifilm might as well use that dial.

So now the question comes up: will maybe the Fujifilm X-E5 have a film simulation dial, too?

I do not have the answer to that question.

But what I can do until I find the answer, is to ask you which dial you’d like on the Fujifilm X-E5.

I guess the most realistic options are either a shutter speed dial or a film simulation dial.

I don’t believe that Fujifilm would put the very complicated to manufacture and assemble combined ISO/Shutter dial on the X-E5. I mean, I’d be happy to pay the extra price for that dial, since it is my favorite dial offered by Fujifilm. But it would make the camera more expensive and slower to manufacture, which are dealbreakers for Fujifilm, especially considering how disastrous the shipping of the X-E4 was.

Fujifilm must make sure the errors of the X-E4 are not repeated. The X-E5 must be produced in sufficient numbers. And that dial is just too cumbersome to make.

And yet, out of curiosity, I will give you also that dial option to vote on. Just to see if I am the only one who’s in love with that dial or if there are also others who’d pay a bit more for an X-E5 just to get that dial.

I want a Fujifilm X-E5 with...

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Fujifilm X-Pro4 (X-Pro5?) Coming with Improved Hybrid Viewfinder (and What I Hope it Will be)

Today we have an update regarding the Fujifilm X-Pro4… or however it will be called, maybe even Fujifilm X-Pro5. That name would make sense, since Fuji Guy Billy said he can see the X-Pro line getting the 5th generation goodness, hence I think there is a possibility that Fujifilm could call it X-Pro5.

We have been informed by a source, who was right in the past (THANKS), that there will be an improved hybrid viewfinder on the X-Pro4/X-Pro5.

I don’t know yet what the improvement will look like. Is it just a higher resolution EVF? A larger viewfinder?

But what I really hope is the same what Thomas B. Jones said in his latest X-Pro5 whishlist video (see below in German): the return of the slot-in magnifiers.

So what’s that?

Well, if you are not familiar with the X-Pro line, up until the Fujifilm X-Pro2, the X-Pro line offered a slot-in magnifier for 0.36x and 0.60x magnification mode in the OVF.

This has been changed on the Fujifilm X-Pro3, which offers a fixed 0.52x magnification which is great if you are shooting with Fujifilm’s  23mm, 33mm or 35mm lenses (which most X-Pro users do).

However, with lenses like the Fujinon XF18mmF1.4, the image that hits the sensor is larger than the one that can be displayed on the OVF.

The return of the slot-in magnifier could solve this problem and make the XF18mmF1.4 the perfect match for the next X-Pro camera.

But again, I do not know what the change the hybrid viewfinder will have, nor if it will be something minor or major. But if I hear anything more, I will let you know here on FujiRumors.