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Tested: ephotozine XF 27mm and XC 16-50 review


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the XF 27mm is in stock at various stores as BHphoto, Adorama and Pictureline

ephotozine just posted its XF 27mm review here and the XC 16-50 review here. The XC 16-50 is recommended by ephotozine, confirming that the image quality of Fuji’s XC line remains top notch. Now ephotozine has tested all the Fuji lenses. Check the reviews here. They recommend 6 of the 8 Fuji lenses, the [shoplink 12892]XF 55-200[/shoplink], [shoplink 12887]XF 18-55mm[/shoplink], [shoplink 12888]XF 14mm[/shoplink], [shoplink 12889]XF 35mm[/shoplink], [shoplink 12890]XF 60mm[/shoplink] and now also the XC 16-50.

XF 27mm verdict: “Those looking for as compact a lens as possible for their X-series camera have no other option as lightweight and compact as this lens available to them at the moment. This lens delivers very high levels of sharpness in the centre of the frame, and although adequate, the performance towards the edges of the frame isn’t on quite the same level. The price at launch may seem slightly high when compared to established lenses available for other camera formats, but as this lens is freshly launched, that may change in time. However as the build quality of this lens is so high, that goes some way towards justifying a higher price tag.”

XC 16-50 verdict: “Although most people who end up owning this lens will do by picking it up as part of a kit with the X-M1 camera, it still may be a compelling choice for owners of other X-series cameras, due to it’s light weight, 16mm wide-angle and comparatively low price. Add to that the decent optical performance throughout the zoom range, as well as low levels of chromatic aberrations, low falloff and distortion, it makes this a very competent lens, for not a lot of money.”


X-M1 (body only or with 16-50mm)USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / [shoplink 13828 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] / Pictureline EUROPE: [shoplink 13828 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] / DigitalRevAmazonITA / AmazonDE / WexUK / PCHstore

XF 27mm – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / [shoplink 13828 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] / Pictureline EUROPE: [shoplink 13828 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] / DigitalRev / WexUKAmazonDEAmazonITA / PCHstore XC 16-50: [shoplink 13828 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] / WexUK / PCHstore
