THE LAST KAIZEN (POLL): If Fuji would, for a last time, release a FW update for older X-series cameras, which 2 features would you like to get?
It is official that Fujifilm reads with great interest FujiRumors and even presents our opinion to the press.
Therefore I decided to launch a dedicated thread at the Fuji X Forum, where you can create you own poll… the most voted ones will be featured on FujiRumors… and Fujifilm will take note of them. So feel free create your own poll (with a question & the answer options).
Now, the amazing X-T1 FW 4.0 is coming (release June 29 around 5 AM London Time – midnight in NY). But what about older cameras? Earlier this months, I’ve asked over at the Fuji X Forum:
“Imagine Fuji would, for a last time, release a Firmware update for older X-series cameras (X-PRO1, X-E1, X-E2, X20, X100S, X-M1 & Co) that will bring 2 new features. Which one would you like to get?”
I now decided to put all the “Last Kaizen” wishes into one poll. You can select two options… let’s see what’s the most wanted feature in the X-community.

And stay tuned next week… not only because of the New X-T1 4.0 Firmware… ;)
stay tuned,
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