The ULTIMATE Fujifilm LENS POLLS :: Let’s tell Fujifilm what we want as next !!! (3 POLLS)
*Fujifilm Reads You!
Click HERE to see the original FujiRumors Poll, that Fujfiilm used in an official presentation to the Press
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When I shared the 60mmMKII rumor here, I asked you to tell us in the comments, which lens you would like to be updated as next, promising to make a Poll out of them… and here it is.
I went through the almost 100 comments and summed up all your suggestions (and added suggestions also coming from our Forum here). There where inevitably some X-shooters, who asked for completely new lenses and I thought it could be nice to collect them in a separate Poll.
So let’s Fuji know about our dreams… and you know Fujifilm DOES like our Polls … which is not a surprise.
Fuji would not care about our Polls, if we’d hardy get a few dozen of votes… but since our Polls normally get a few thousands of votes each time, I can tell you that they really care about them – keep it up, you’re great, guys! ;) .
Poll 1 lists ALL currently available Fujinon lenses, except the XC16-50, XC50-230 and XF35mm, because these 3 lenses already got (or will get very soon) an update in 2015. All the other lenses are included. Vote the one you would have updated as next.

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Poll 2 shows the suggestions of variations of existing lenses shared in the comments to this post. NOTE: The focus in this Poll is on the aperture of these lenses. I take it for granted that all the below listes lenses will have Weather sealing and faster AF. Some lenses are marked as “MKII”, meaning that the aperture will remain the same, but they will have faster AF and WR. Vote your favorite lens variation.

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Poll 3 features completely new Fujinon lenses. Vote your favorite.