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travel-X: the importance of travelling light



Forest McMullin

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Hi- I’ve been using the X-E1 with a variety of lenses since March this year and I thought I’d share some of my travel images with you. I was living and traveling in France for two months this spring and used it extensively during that time. I followed that with a three week road trip around England, Scotland, and Wales and used it exclusively for a project about pub culture. I’m currently using it for another project I’m working on from my home in Atlanta, Georgia about ethnic restaurants and food related businesses.

The X-E1 is a remarkable tool and, although it has certain limitations, I found it perfect for travel shooting. The image quality is absolutely outstanding. The small size and light weight are greatly appreciated when carrying it all day, every day. The usability feels totally familiar with controls where I expect them. And the ability to use exposure compensation on the fly ensures that every exposure is perfect without ever having to review on the LCD. I really like that!

Keep in mind, I’ve been a shooter for over thirty years. I’ve used most cameras on the market. I deliver workshops on lighting, travel photography, and other topics all over the US for Manfrotto Imaging. In the past, when workshop participants ask me what my favorite camera is, I would (half jokingly) tell them, “Whatever camera is in my hands.” I think that’s going to change. I think my answer in the future may be, “Whichever Fuji X camera is in my hands.”

Forest McMullin

Forest (

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Hi Patrick,

I think I can say I’m a big follower of your page. Honestly, not only for the rumors but, specially, for the opportunity you give to discover the blogs and web pages of other photographers and bloggers with great photography and interesting reviews on the gear I use. I have discovered many interesting sites thanks to

A few years ago, I travelled around the world for 13 months photographing as much as I could (a lot actually!) as you may see in our blog (which is in Spanish but the pictures of course have a universal language). During that time I carried a Canon DSRL with some lenses and I realized how important is to travel light. Last summer, in a trip to Japan, I bought a Fuji X-pro 1 together with the 35mm 1.4. It took some time to me to get used to this new equipment but, now that I can use it without thinking, I can’t be happier with the change.  The image quality is outstanding. I no longer need a tripod due to the fantastic performance with high ISOS. The only big concern I had at first was the focusing speed but it has improved a lot after updating firmware. In my next trip to Japan I bought the 18mm prime lens which is also fantastic.

Well, as I see most of people in your site is proposing improvements and new lenses to be released, I can say that my perfect lens for the X-pro 1 would be a 27mm 1.4 or a standard zoom 17-50 with a low ‘f stop’ throughout the range… I’d like also to have the chance to fix the minimum shutter speed at a given ISO. That would make this camera simply the best tool to travel around (well I think it’s already the best even without that option!).

If you go through our blog, you’ll see many pictures taken with the Canon but I’m copying below a list of posts with pictures of the X-pro 1. Feel free to use the pictures if you decide to post this in your web.

Congrats for your fantastic site!

Cheers from Barcelona!


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Hi Pat,

It’s been a long time since I got in touch! How are things going? The last time we spoke I had just got my hands on an x100s and was about to head over the America.

Do I love the camera? YES!

As a result of having the x100s in my pocket where ever I go and the travels I have coming up over the next few years, I thought it will be fun to create X-PLR.  X-PLR is derived from explore and a play on the X series cameras. My aim is to explore as many different countries and cultures as possible and I will be documenting  99% of my travels with the X100S.

X-PLR is still at an experimental phase, I am not a street photographer nor a travel photographer, but I have a great camera that fits in my pocket and plan to visit some interesting places so I will try and document things as I go along.

The first two instalments of X-PLR is up on my site, will love for you to stop by.

New York:


London, Manchester and Tuscany should be up soon.

just for fun I decided to test how well Fuji X-Pro1 can do film scans :) The full story is here.



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