The Most Underestimated Fujifilm Products? Vote Now!
Back in 2015, I wrote a trilogy about what I considered the 5 most underestimated Fujifilm products ever. You can read epsiode 1 here, episode 2 here and episode 3 here.
As I wrote in my first episode here, the trigger for that little mini-series was, that I realized I focused too much on the high-end stuff. However, Fujifilm has some awesome offerings also in the more affordable category, like my little XQ2. So I wanted to “make it good again” by dedicating a bit of my time and space here on FujiRumors to products, that, in my opinion, got way less attention then they actually deserved (like currently the Fujifilm X-T20, which, as I wrote here, hits the sweetspot in the X-world).
Now, in the last episode of my 2015 trilogy, I also launched a poll, to hear what you guys think are the most underestimated Fujifilm products. Sadly, due to a bug with the poll plug-in last year, I’ve lost all older surveys. Sh*t happens.
But let’s try to see the bright side of things and take this as an opportunity to launch a new and updated poll… and it’s high time, since Fujifilm launched quite some new products from 2015 to now.
My vote is in… feel free to drop yours :)
enjoy your Saturday,
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Push READ MORE to SEE and VOTE the Polls

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- Rico Pfirstinger Workshops: Go To New Zealand (or Guernsey) to Learn How To Master Your Fujifilm Camera at Rico’s Ultimate X-Secrets Workshops 2017. More here.
- Rico Pfirstinger’s latest book “The Fujifilm X-T2: 120 X-Pert Tips“. You can get it with a 40% discount by clicking on this link and using code “FRXT2” (available in PDF, ePub, and mobi (Kindle)… DRM-Free).
- The Define School is an online photography school offering interactive classes and independent studies for students in any time zone, with any schedule, to learn and grow as artists. Find out how it works and browse our online photography classes.
- The Streets of Vancouver Photography Workshop, his first photography workshop ever (3 days in July). For more details, please check out his website here.
- Olaf also launched his educational and mentoring platform, Simplicity-In-Seeing. The platform was created to go beyond what is currently available in photography education. His focus is on the craft of seeing, on all the elements that help photographers to develop, maintain and challenge their seeing. Check out his website here.
- There is a Fujifilm “X” Photographers Travel & Nature Summits at fujifilmxphotosummits with 3 ½ days of presentations, talks etc. by 4 Fuji “X” Photographers + technical and corporate from the FUJIFILM headquarters in New York. Jack Graham and Bill Fortney also offer a few workshops over the year in USA. Full details at fujixphotoworkshops.
- X-Shooter Ian offers workshops and online educational. More at ianmacdonaldphotography. Vancouver Street Photography Workshop here + Toronto Street Photography Workshop here.
- (NSFW): X-photographer Jiri is offering Group Nude Art Photo Workshop in Prague (click here) and 1-on-1 Nude Art Photography Courses in Prague (click here)