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US Dollar Price for Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8 II and XF500mmF5.6


We leaked the price for the Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8 II and the Fujinon XF500mmF5.6 in £ and € already in this article.

Well, I have received information about the price in US Dollar, which is not yet multiple checked but I share it anyway, because the announcement is close and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get it multiple confirmed. So take it with a grain of salt for now.

But the price I hear is the following:

If accurate, then the price of the new Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8 II in USA will remain identical to the one of its predeccessor. That’s not the case in Europe, where we will get a €/£ 50 price jump.

As far as the XF500mmF5.6, it should cost $500 less than it’s sibiling, the Fujinon GF500mmF5.6. That’s more or less in line with the pricing in Europe, where we have about the same price gap between the two lenses.

I have no information about the Fujifilm X-M5 price, but I’d say it’s likely to cost around $799, considering it costs €899 in Europe. But that’s just an educated guess, not a rumor.
