VOTE :: The Ultimate Fujifilm APS-C Lenses Poll ** 30 Lenses, 3 Votes… and Let’s Fuji know What We Want ;)
World Record Comments for FR :)
Now that’s EPIC !!! :)
I’m frankly overwhelmed by the tremendous feedback we got at our “APS-C lenses suggestions to Fujifilm” blog post. Over 900 comments in 4 days.
I’m greatful for your partecipation, and I will honor my part of the job… so here is the Poll. But I wanted to keep the survey contained, so I tried to sum up your suggestions in only 30 lenses. That was my goal… and that’s what I did.
- I didn’t write “OIS” or “WR” after each lens. So just consider all lenses are weather sealed and most have OIS, except those, where it doesn’t really make sense, such as the 33/1.
- Mark II (MK II) lenses are upgrades to existing lenses, with same focal length and aperture, but the addition of WR, OIS, faster and less noisy AF and so forth.
How I Selected the Lenses
It was not easy for me to “cut” some lenses, or to “change” them. Many suggestions were similar, but had some slight and yet fundamental changes in speed or focal length. If I would include all suggestions with all its variations, we would have a poll of several hundreds of lenses (if not 1,000+). Not quite handy… so here is how I proceeded.
- 55-135mm f/2.8-4
- 50-130mm f2.0
- 50-100mm f/1.8
- 50-150 f/1.8
- 50-100 f1.8
- 55-135mm f/4
- 50-130mm f/2
Sometimes I just took the most voted and suggested version
- 70mm f/1.4 (Recommended 8 or more times)
- 70mm f/2 WR
- 70mm f/2.4
Given that the 70mm/1.4 was the by far most wanted 70mm prime, I decided to give you that one as an option.
Make It Better? Why Not!
The list is obviously far from perfect, but I really put many hours of work into this… and if you would like to make a better one (which is for sure possible), please do not hesitate to go through all the comments and send me your selection. I will appreciate your effort and be happy to share it :-)
I Still Love You, X-Shooters ;)
And to all the people, who wrote me angry emails, because I write “too much” about the GFX… this blog post is a hard work of love of many hours for us APS-C X-series lovers. You see, I didn’t forget you… and with about 900 absolute free (!!!) articles a year here on FujiRumors, I’m quite confident there will be more coming for you ;)
It’s just, the GFX is the camera of the moment.
Hey Fujifilm… Now Please Listen!
So, dear FUJIFILM… the FR-community made its part, and gave you tons of new ideas. You now get quite a nice idea of what we desire. We do not want a single penny for all this, it’s all free work we did for you… just be smart enough not to ignore what your customers want, and give us some of those nice lenses in the Poll as soon as possible.
We Love You Fuji… but we also can get quite angry if you do not listen ;)
POLL – Max. 3 Selections
Did you read the section “How I Selected the Lenses“? Good, then you will understand why your dream lens is not in the poll… but you might find something close enough ;)