World Press Photo 2022: Two Awarded Images Captured with Fujifilm X and GFX Gear
The Spanish site Photolari has looked into which cameras were used to snap an awarded image at the World Press Photo 2022 contest.
Our Spanish friends at Fujistas summed it up nicely:
- 24 winners were selected
- only 8 of the 24 images were taken with mirrorless cameras
- 13 images were taken with DSLRs
- Fujifilm takes represents 10% of the winning images share
- it was not possible to look into the EXIF of all images
The gap between mirrorless and DSLR is getting smaller and smaller. Here is the comparison to the previous years:
- 2022: 54,1% DSLR – 33,3% MILC
- 2021: no data
- 2020: 64.3% DSLR – 23.7% MILC
- 2019: 71.1% DSLR – 4.4% MILC
- 2018: 83.5% DSLR – 11.3% Mirrorless
- 2017: 88.8% DSLR – 5.55% Mirrorles
And yet, there are still plenty of DSLR users out there. At some point they might switch to mirrorless, too. And hopefully the Fujifilm X and GFX systems will be able to attract many of them.
With that out of the way, let me say the most important thing: congratz to ALL the winners. I will share the awarded images taken with Fujifilm gear down below. But make sure to check them out all at the dedicated World Press Photo 2022 page.