X-shooter zone: the Fuji X-system? “Pure fun and no compromise!”
The selection is done, the images are chosen, the X-shooter zone is complete.
If you have some X-shots and stories for us too, feel free to contact me via email. You can also share them directly at the FR-facebook wall.
enjoy your weekend
facebook, google+, twitter and fujirumor@gmail.com
Lawrence Ripsher
Hey Patrick… It’s that time again! I’m back ! – this time with an X-E2 :)
A few first thoughts plus ten of my best at http://lawrenceripsher.com/
As always, feel free to share / embed images / etc. Keep up the awesome site !
“the camera [X-E2] feels faster [than the X-E1]. From turning on, to being ready for the next shot, to responding to controls. The X-E2 feels more, for lack of a better word, analog.
I shot micro four thirds for (E-P1 -> G3 -> OM-D E-M1) for several years with the best lenses the system had to offer and I always felt that that the micro four thirds system was the best compromise between image quality and size. But I also always felt it was a compromise. […]
However, I now believe the Fuji X system is the new best balance of image quality and size. More importantly perhaps, I feel it’s no longer a compromise. The images I shoot with this system are every bit as good as I could possibly hope to shoot with any other system, and that includes my old Canon FF gear with L glass. […]
[…] for me, in terms of image quality, portability, lens options, ergonomics / controls and pure fun, there’s a very clear leader now – Fuji. And at the top of the Fuji pile now sits the X-E2.
[admin: As a little X-mas gift to every FR-readers Lawrence decided to make the image of the footbridge available in wallpaper res (1920 x 1080) here. Download it at my dropbox here.]Fuji X-E2: [shopcountry 17992]
Lawrence Ripsher
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Ian Burrows
I have been shooting the X-Pro1 now for a year. I shoot almost all my work with the Fuji now and love it. The 18-55mm is an ideal landscape lens with the 35mm F1.4 still my preference for people.
I’m going to be using an X-E2 and 14mm shortly so I hope to generate some work with that combination.
Fuji X-PRO1: [shopcountry 12882]
Ian Burrows
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Hello Patrick,
I am a solely Fuji X-E1 user since day one and also a big fan of your site. Just thought that my artistic photos may inspire even more X shooters:
All images were taken in-camera, with my over 40-years old legacy M42 lenses collection.
Usually folks try to get sharp images showing a subject and my objective is to paint with bokeh, to focus on painting look and feel rather. Just another approach and only Fuji X-E1 allows me to achieve it. And I say that after over a decade of shooting with 6×6 and a whole Nikon SLR/DSLR system.
Once again, checking your site is part of my daily routine so please feed us all with more Fuji details.
And Rico’s Xperts corner is brilliant
Hope you like it and keep on doing your great job!
Fuji X-E1: [shopcountry 12881]
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Michael McQueen
Hey Patrick,
Long time follower of fujirumors.com and I love what you do. Keep up the good work! I am based in Australia and have just got my site back up and running as I have moved fully into the Fuji system.
I am currently 3 weeks out from embarking on a 4+ month journey to South America and taking my fuji’s along for the ride! Literally am taking them for a ride as I plan on riding a motorcycle around South America. Any way enough of the that, here is a link to my site that I have setup as a blog for my fuji experience and my journeys.
I hope you find my photographs worthy of sharing with your fuji fans! I hope to keep you posted and my fellow fujirumor followers! enjoy!
p.s I may have received possibly the first [shoplink 16128]23mm F1.4[/shoplink] in Aus pre release here and I hope to share some images real soon!!
Fuji XF 23mm: [shopcountry 16128]
Michael McQueen [Chile]