X100T successor with Newly Developed Lens! (SRP) – POLL: Let’s tell Fujifilm Bosses the lens we would like to have!
A source, who was right in the past (and contacts me anonymously using a nickname – thanks!), gave me an update about the latest X100T successor rumor here. The source says that:
– it’s true, the successor of the X100T will feature the same sensor of the X-PRO2.
– the X100T successor will have a newly developed lens!
At the moment, the entire X100 line (X100, X100S and X100T) features the same 23mmF2 lens (where you can attach the WCL-X100 Wide Conversion Lens and TLC-X100 Tele Conversion Lens).
The source did not gave me further details about the lens (and I’d be very grateful for any help I could get from sources out there).
Anyway, it’s still a long wait, before we will see any X100T successor, so it’s pretty safe to assume that the development of the new lens is not finalized as of yet. Fujifilm might be still discussing various options.
Now, it’s a fact that Fujfilm X-rays this blog and therefore Fujifilm will take a close look at your opinions in the comments and your vote in the poll. So, dear FR-readers, let’s tell the Fuji bosses in Tokyo, which lens you would like for the Fujifilm X200 (or whatever the name will be).
Maybe a faster lens? The same 23mmF2 lens, but with a better performance wide open (F2) at close distances? Or maybe even… an X100Z with Zoom Lens?
PS.: And if you want something smaller and cheaper, follow the rumors about the Fuji X70.
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have a great start in this new week,
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Fujifilm shows one of the FujiRumors Polls to the Press