XF 10-24: shipping soon in Japan + X-T1 + 10-24 first impressions
Fuji XF 10-24mm: [shopcountry 20414]
X-T1: Kit in Stock at AmazonUS and Adorama, body only at Bestbuy here.
X-T1: [shopcountry 21553]
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X-shooter Roger (US) wrote me an email with the following information: “The dealer in Japan that I purchased 56mm lens from just informed me that the 10-24mm lens arrived today and I purchased for $ 1010. Should have it next Monday or Tuesday.” [shoplink 22646 ebay]Here is the Japanese eBay reseller[/shoplink] who has the 10-24 in stock. Roger said that “The dealer in Tokyo that I referenced earlier has now posted this lens on Ebay at $ 1090. The posting does not say how many are available. I have purchased the 56mm lens in the past and it was shipped same day and packed extremely well. EMS Express shipping was 4 days to West Coast. The 10-24mm was ordered and shipped today. This is a reliable dealer and prices lower that other Ebay sellers in Japan.”
[shoplink 22646 ebay]First Impressions
– Camera Preview: Fujifilm X-T1 with XF 10-24mm F/4 R OIS at bigheadtaco here: “This camera is everything that all the hype built it up to be. This camera is a game changer (I hate to use this term since everyone is using it); and I think that companies that haven’t invested into the larger sensor (APS-C and full-frame) mirrorless camera market (Canon, Nikon, Pentax) better beware. Although I highly respect the micro 4/3 system (amazing variety of bodies and lenses), I think many are now thinking about upgrading (sensor-wise) to the Fujifilm X series with their eyes on the X-T1. […] Overall, a great lens [10-24] and a great addition to the already complete line up of lenses in the X-series. The size and weight is equal to the complexity of the design and performance of this lens. It’s very addictive being able to shoot so wide, and I found myself just walking around and taking in the world at 10mm!! Ideally, I did find that I preferred shooting no wider than 14mm when shooting street.”
– My first pictures with the new Fujifilm XF 10-24 F4 R OIS at mworsdorfer here: ” Before I share the following images with you I have to say a few words about the new XF10-24. If you think this lens is small and compact, you’ll be disappointed. It is pretty much exactly the same size as for instance [shoplink 22639]Nikon’s 10-24[/shoplink] or [shoplink 22640]12-24[/shoplink] equivalent. However, there is absolutely no way that you can compare these lenses. ”