XF 23mm: Rico’s new night shots samples, XPC first look on Friday + last days to vote RAW converter shootout polls
X-Pert Corner XF 23mm first look on Friday, September 13
Rico is adding daily some images taken with the XF 23mm in his Flickr account here. Be sure to check it out in the next days, and be prepared for the X-Pert Corner about the XF 23mm lens. And on September 13 you will read Rico’s first look about the XF 23mm here on Fujirumors… so stay tuned!
XF 23mm pre-orders: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline EUROPE: PCHstore / wexcamerasDE / wexphotographicUK
Rico’s 23mm pictures at flickr
RAW converter shootout! Last days to vote the poll. The winner will be announced Thursday
You are the judge! Which RAW converter is the best? Check out the XPC Ultimate RAW Converter Shootout post here. To get directly to Rico’s Flickr account click here. The poll will be closed Wednesday evening, and the winner will be announced on Thursday.
Poll for DSCF0544-1 to DSCF0544-8:

Poll for DSCF0998-A to DSCF0998-H: