XF 55-200 sample shots and first impressions at sulantoblog!
image courtesy: sulantoblog
X-photographer Matti Sulanto is running one of the most popular camera sites in Finland. Right now he is testing the pre-production 55-200 mm and has some sample photos on his site (only in small size, because full size is not permitted yet). The site is in Finnish, but everybody can understand the photos with technical data.
Read his posts and see the samples in this post here (translated version) and this post here (translated version)
These are his first impressions, he sent me via email:
– bit bigger than I expected, but still relatively compact and not heavy
– very fast autofocus
– impressive OIS
– image quality seems very good indeed
– I like the lens already, even though the pre-production version is not the same quality as the final production version will be.
Preoder the 55-200: BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUS / AmazonUK / DigitalRev / PictureLine (USA) / PCHstore Brussel
The lens should be available (at least in Europe) in the beginning of June.