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XF56mm and black X100S: pre-order now also at BHphoto (and WexUK) + first sample image!


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1) Also BHphoto is now taking pre-orders on the XF 56mm here, on the all black X100S here and FinePix S1. AmazonUS has all the new Fuji gear listed here.

XF 56mm f/1.2 ($999): USA AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama – EUROPE: wexUK / PCHstore / DigitalRev

X100S black ($1299): USA AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama – EUROPE: wexUK / PCHstore

FinePix S1 ($499): USA:  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama – EUROPE:

2) Nathan Elson is the first who published on his blog an image shot with the 56 f/1.2 lens. Check it out here. He promises more in the next days, so stay tuned! (thx for the link Tjeerd)

 image courtesy: Nathan Elson

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